The Pollock laboratory at the University of Colorado School of Medicine


Advanced Scientific Programming

CPBS 7785

This course is aimed at advanced graduate students who want to develop their skills in scientific programming and related topics, including statistical theory, programing with large biological datasets, Bayesian analyses with phylogenetics, and data visualization. Languages used are C/C++, Perl, and R. It is expected that many students may be proficient in some but likely not all the subtopics. Examples and scientific foci will be on vertebrate genomes, transposable elements, protein structure, and human population genomics data. Registration by permission of instructor only.

Instructor is David Pollock, TA is Aaron Wacholder.



HMGP 7620 STBB 7620 and CPBS 7620

This course will introduce graduate students (and interested postdocs, technicians and faculty) to the field of genomics. Next offered Spring 2014. The previous optional computer workshop is now being offered as a separate course (Mol Biol 7620; Hesselberth).

Course Directors: Pollock Sikela & Johnston



Human Genetics

A set of papers related to human genetics. Includes mitochondrial adaptation/convergence/structure papers on snakes to illustrate analysis of sequence/structure/function relationships.

2004Genetics, 2005GenomeResearch, 2007PlosGenetics, 2008PlosOne, 2009PNAS, 2011PlosOne, 2011PlosGenetics (Repetitive elements may comprise over two thirds of the human genome; preprint on request)

  Protein and Genome Evolution lecture for Diana Tomback class on Evolution (long, short version)


Protein Evolution (in Proteins 7350)

Lecture 1,(zip, pptx,, pdf) Lecture 2 (zip pptx pdf) Spring 2011


An introduction to the theory and practice of computational biology. Organized by Larry Hunter, team taught with Hunter, Pollock, Kechris, Verspoor, Goldberg, and guest lecturers.


A continuation of the core computational biology course for the Computational Bioscience Program. Practice programming, learn about the research of Computational Bioscience Professors

Assignment Spring 2011

David Pollock David Pollock Todd Castoe

Wanjun Gu

compbio compbio