Pollock laboratory: Schistosome Genomics



Schistosome Genomics files



The Schistosome Genomics package contains various data and script information and supplementary materials.




Supplementary materials available:

Tree related

1) Phylogenetic Tree (17 KB) 2) Tree R script (44 KB) 3) Sample Key (4 KB)

Some scripts

4) Various scripts (9 KB) 5) Readme (0.5 KB)

Beds and vcf

6) Golden loci bed file (0.3 MB) 7) Golden loci no sibs vcf (63 MB) 8) Golden loci vcf (202 MB) 9) golden loci vcf early (514 MB)




For information on these files, users should consult the 2020 paper cited below, as well as the readme. The smaller files listed here can also be found on GitHub at https://github.com/PollockLaboratory/Schisto




Conceptualization: TAC, EJC, DDP;

Analysis: JAS, LET, ZLN, DRS, BWP, TAC, DDP;

Software: JAS, DDP;

Write, Review and edit: JAS, LET, ZLN, DRS, BWP, YL, BZ, TAC, EJC,DDP;

Supervise, admin, and funding: YL, BZ, EJC, TAC, DDP;




Jonathan A. Shortt, Laura E. Timm, Nicole R. Hales, Zachary L. Nikolakis, Drew R. Schield, Blair W. Perry, Yang Liu, Bo Zhong, Todd A. Castoe, Elizabeth J. Carlton, and David D. Pollock, "Population genomic analyses of schistosome parasites highlight critical challenges facing end-game elimination efforts", XXXX 2020 (in review)

See also:
Jonathan A. Shortt, Darren C. Card, Drew R. Schield, Yang Liu, Bo Zhong, Todd A. Castoe, Elizabeth J. Carlton, and David D. Pollock, "Whole Genome Amplification and Reduced-Representation Genome Sequencing of Schistosoma japonicum Miracidia", PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2017 Jan 20;11(1):e0005292


David Pollock David Pollock Todd Castoe

Wanjun Gu

compbio compbio